I know, it’s my 4th post today, but we’re sitting around watching Aladdin for the 5,000 time (Missy C’s choice, but Matey Moo loves to sing the songs too!).
Anyway, Rex took the following picture:
Secretly I think Daddy likes to help Missy C dress up the Barbies, but here’s her outfit choices (with Dad’s help) and Dad’s “take” on them! 🙂 I know, cute, eh? The empty 90 Shilling is his (what do you expect, he IS Australian!).
Anyway, we’ve had 2 political canvasers and 1 group of 10 trick or treaters. I reckon it’s the same group from last year….they came in a car (it’s raining and it’s REALLY cold – 42 degrees f.).
Well, it’s back to Aladdin…you have no idea how many of these songs I sign without even thinking!