On the road….in New Mexico

So, Day one passed and really we just got down to Santa Fe – via an interesting Volcano in North New Mexico, but that was about it.

Day Two – we spent the night in Santa Fe at “The Sage Inn” and as web designers – ha ha – it was one case where the website FAR outranked the hotel. All in all a fairly crappy experience – all just little complaints (including the NON cheery hotel staff) but the breakfast was pretty decent.

We packed up, found a spot in a public garage downtown and spent the morning and lunch in Santa Fe. It was great! They had their normal Saturday Festival – completely with really cute Latino dancing girls – adorable and the music was fun!
If you want a sample of the dancing, I’ve posted a video here.

Here are the kids and I with a “living statue” behind us! Great fun and a great day!

We also popped into the Loretto Chapel. I had seen this staircase as a young kid (6th grade I think) but it’s much more impressive when you understand the construction.
Then we headed south of town. Sadly, El Ranchos De Las Golondrinas (which has a tie in to one of the American girl dolls) was closed and so we decided to take a side trip to Cerrillos and Madrid (pronounced MADrid). If you happen to remember, Madrid was featured in the movie “Wild Hogs” – totally cute movie and a really cute town .

We drove into Truth or Consequences (yep, that’s a town name) on fumes and checked into a really cute motel – which will be featured in a post on my Mid Century blog! Great spot and despite the simple nature WAY better than the one in Santa fe.
Ok, we’re off!
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