Ooo, I got tagged and a little funny for Cat lovers (or haters?)

Ok, I’m pitiful! I’m excited…I’ve never been tagged before and this one is at least interesting. Thanks Samantha.

Four jobs you’ve had: worked at Kentucky Fried Chicken (High School), sold wholesale clothing at the Denver Merchandise Mart, cleaned hotel rooms in Estes Park, Sold advertising in 2 different newspapers, on the radio, in a business newspaper and on the movie screen.

Four movies you could watch over and over: Baby Boom, Star Wars – Attack of the Clones (Part 2), Tank Girl (doesn’t get much play with kids around) and French Kiss

Four places you’ve lived: Leadville Colorado (2 miles high!), Denver Colorado, Pueblo Colorado, Nevada Missouri, Loveland Colorado,

Four TV shows you love to watch: The Apprentice (I know, I know), The Office (British and American versions), Dick Van Dyke (we have almost all of them on DVD), Law and Order Criminal Intent

Four places you’ve been on vacation: Australia, Mexico, California (who hasn’t) and Moab Utah (we love it and have been back 2 times despite a major breakdown the first time and have plans for more trips).

Four websites you visit every day: Too many blogs to mention, My Yahoo, Washington Post Cartoons (my hubby sends them), Flickr

Four of your favorite foods: Spanacopita, Pot Roast, Roger’s Chile, Angel Food Cake

Four places you’d rather be: Stitching (pretty much anywhere), Relaxing in a cabin in the mountains, Relaxing on the beach (Mexico was nice), Sitting in a coffee shop

Four albums you can’t live without: About anything by Cheryl Wheeler (she’s where I got the name of my blog – “Driving Home” and “Mrs. Pinocci’s Guitar” are my favs.), The Soundtrack from French Kiss, Joan Baez – ring Them Bells, Mary Chapin Carpenter “Stones in the Road”.

Ok, I’m going to tag folks I think will have interesting answers: Leslie, LouAnne , Arlee and Tina.

I think a lot of you will enjoy this site…I especially loved this photo

I just can’t recommend highly enough visiting Stuff On My Cat – I got a big giggle out of a LOT of the photos…some of the cats look VERY unhappy, however, some are oddly contented. Gotta love cats.

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