Our show opening and Sunday projects

Our show opening and Sunday projects

Well the show was a success! At least we had a ton of people through, there was food, and music and it wasn’t so hot it was miserable, so that’s a good thing. Below are a few pictures from the show:

The bottom one has a picture of the show’s organizer, Amber – on the right. She’s amazing. Got tons of publicity out for the show and we all had a fantastic time. It’s my first show in 19 years, so I figure that’s progress.

We left a bit early and went down Santa fe (in Denver, this is probably one of the most popular “1st Friday art walks”) and popped into a couple of galleries, including Translations Gallery a WOW, fantastic new gallery for textile artists in the Rocky Mountain area…the owner is super, super nice and I have more to tell about it – but later. Especially one piece which was TO DIE for! (teaser, eh?)

And here’s what I’m working on today. The top is of course the wedding quilt I’ve been working on for a year…I Swear it will be done by fall! It’s actually moving along quite quickly now. The below that is my brazillian project that my mother-in-law and I took the class together. I can’t work on just one thing so I’m going back and forth between the two.

Harry, my cat is sitting on the corner of the big heart – has to be in the middle of everything. AND, we’re getting a new kitten…probably in about a week (yep, that’s how new…JUST weaned from mama!). So, I’ll let you know how all of that goes!

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