Pam RuBert is one of my very favorite quilt artists/illustrators ever and so with a nasty cold this morning, I immediately thought of this:
I remember when she came out with this I LAUGHED! She’s so talented. A wonderful inspiration!
Today I’m on my way over to the Crazy Quilt meeting and dragging along my Mother in Law (who needs to update her blog). I totally have redesigned our Rocky Mountain Crazy Quilt site and it needed it – it was a mess! So, pop over and check it out! In true crazy quilt form, I’ve filled it with a bunch more “eye candy” so you can really see what we’re doing!
Oh, and if you feel flush, buy something from our Cafepress store – all the proceeds go to the group! We’re going to rotate member artwork in there, so bookmark it – that way you can check back for something lovely later!