Ok, so what to do with a personal blog. I’m going to make this an outlet for my political, creative and parental musings….not sure who will read it, but I figure I need someone to talk to, so why not a blog!
So, maybe a bit about me, I’m a work at home/stay at home mom….who sort of hates the concept of “stay at home moms”….I mean I love staying at home with my kids, but the self-righteous annoying way people tell you that they stay at home with thier kids is weird. I have a sense of humor about being a parent…most of the time and really work to live. Well, hubby works to live, I just live and work a little here and there.
That’s a concept I feel guilty about….not working. So, I have a web design business and an ezine (more about both later) and I plug along trying to make a life.
Well, that’s the “here and now”. I have two kids, Mattie Moo (2) and Missy C (3 and a half) and a dog (Pascal -after the programming language), new kitten “Harry” after a children’s book I grew up with and Dodger, my 15 year old cat, pre-hubby and pre kids!

My 2021 “Phrase” of the year and Happy New Year!
So, one of my issues last year was stopping to just enjoy life. Unlike most people, we escaped the health and employment issues of crazy 2020 but I couldn’t help but wait for the “other shoe” to drop – basically waiting for something bad to happen. In searching for a