So, I ran downstairs and took some pretty awful pictures of my christmas stockings I’m making for my son (who doesn’t have a real stocking yet) – now on to the embellishment…any ideas for boyish embelishments would be appreciated. The print in the middle is an old fashioned santa with dogs (see, I told you it was a bad photo).
Anyway, I was over at (if you’re into blogging and any type of knitting, quilting, etc, it’s a must visit) and good heavens, you knitters have taken over the world! I’m either going to have to take up knitting (my mother in law kind of has that market covered in our family tho) or convert all of you to crazy quilting!
Well, I’m off to bed. Enough time on the computer tonight. Hubby is off at a Toastmasters meeting tonight, the kids are asleep and I’m done watching the debates. Long day, and I still have 3 websites to work on tomorrow!!