Play “find the kitten” and a weekend of change

We’re all exhausted this weekend. Last night was “Back to school” night at the kids (emphasis on “kids” because they are both heading to school!) school. If I was overwhelmed, they had to be about 10x that much! It was exhausting! …by the way…I have NO idea how teachers do it! They are totally undervalued and underpaid! Anyway, Monday the kids head to school. Matey Moo for the first time and Missy C for her second year (she was in preschool last year). They’re only going 1/2 days, but 3 and a half hours kid free is absolutely amazing to me!

Then Rex is changing jobs….his last day is next Friday…he’ll have two days off the following week and then start his new job. Longer commute, but more money and MUCH better benefits (all good!). I took last week “off” (cleaned and sorted kids clothes and closets etc) so I’m back to work next week and trying to figure out how to really use my “kid-free” time.

Frasier is fitting in nicely to the house, if NOT to the dog bed:

And I’m working on finishing a few projects. I’ve made a ton of progress on my Brazillian…continuing my “love/hate” relationship with Edmar threads.

I’m still working on my fiber arts post in Colorado….next week I’ll actually have the brain space to finish putting in a bunch of links. Oh, and I’m making a second attempt at WordPress…we’ll see…I’ve tried this move before.

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