We had to do a heap of gift shopping yesterday, followed by a huge party at one of Missy C’s little preschool friends. I bet there were 45 adults there and at least as many children. It was huge, but oddly a lot of fun!
Today we’re finally celebrating Matey Moo’s 3rd birthday….a week late, but he doesn’t really know. We’re celebrating my Dad’s too. Of course nothing ever goes smoothly and last night Alec didn’t sleep very well, so neither did I. I’ve been planning on taking a nap, but instead got hooked into playing with the redesign of my blog. Not sure I like it, but it’s a move in some direction! 🙂
I’m also working on a self portrait – more on that later! Off for a nap!

My 2021 “Phrase” of the year and Happy New Year!
So, one of my issues last year was stopping to just enjoy life. Unlike most people, we escaped the health and employment issues of crazy 2020 but I couldn’t help but wait for the “other shoe” to drop – basically waiting for something bad to happen. In searching for a