Happy Wednesday! lots going on, so much that I didn’t have time (gasp!) for Tacky Tuesday – so it will be back next week!
The first HUGE news is that I’ve posted the photos of the Denver Art Museum Crazy Quilts. I’m going to be adding more and more background information on them, but that ended up in a couple of spots, so I’m hoping to add as I go along here. I really wanted you gals to have a chance to see them as soon as possible. I’ve added a handy tab at the top of my blog for “quick access” and also I loaded them at full size so you are able to click on the magnifying glass and zoom up on it and move it around.
I was SO excited to be able to get the Crazy Quilt International Group in to see these 5 quilts (and tea cozy) that normally live in the halls of the collection room at the Denver Art Museum. They were SO sweet there, pulling them out and letting us look at them for 2 hours! It was wonderful!
So, in case you haven’t already left the post to go look at them, here are some previews:
From 5 Crazy Quilts at the Denver Art Museum |
From 5 Crazy Quilts at the Denver Art Museum |
Last night was our Stitch night for the RMCQ group and I’m not even tempted to put my photos of my stuff here with these gorgeous quilts!
Last – and the reason I told you to read to the end, is the LOVELY ladies of Posh Mama are blogging at the Martha Stewart show today! Yay! It’s not on in my area until 6pm, but you should peek in at it! I’m sure it will be wonderful! I will totally admit I still love Martha – she’s stuck it out through thick and thin and she’s definately a survivor in the crafting world! If you haven’t joined Posh Mama, I must urge you too…it’s not just for “Mommies”, it’s for everyone and it’s a spam free fun, supportive group of great gals!