Just a quick clarification…we will ship our Rocky Mountain Crazy Quilting calendar (http://www.crazy-quilts.com) to you gals in Australia (or Europe for that matter), it’s just a bit more in postage (I think $4.50…it says on the website). I had a hard time figuring out how to do 2 different postage values via the paypal button, but I’ll work on that. Otherwise, just email me or info@rmcq.org and I can just send you a paypal bill.

My 2021 “Phrase” of the year and Happy New Year!
So, one of my issues last year was stopping to just enjoy life. Unlike most people, we escaped the health and employment issues of crazy 2020 but I couldn’t help but wait for the “other shoe” to drop – basically waiting for something bad to happen. In searching for a