This past week I took day off work and went to the sewing Festival at the Denver Merchandise Mart in Denver. fun! I sat at the Rocky Mountain Crazy Quilt Assn Booth with my friend Dianna and got some cool stuff:
There’s a fabulous lace guy there who brings some marvelous things. I was looking for small motifs for both my spirit dolls and crazy quilt. I also desperately needed silk ribbon (that’s the box too) – which will be used to FINALLY finish my fairy (watch for that as my next ongoing project here). Oh! and I think I’ve got Dianna talked into trying Brazilian Embroidery! yay!
While we sat, we stitched. And stitched, and stitched. we actually left there and went for our regular stitch night to Paneara bread too! tons of stitching.
It is almost done – just a few more french knots and a lot of actual sewing (which you know I hate).
Well, then I got home and reality hit and I had to get back to work. Yuck. Ok, not yuck, but I was way behind. So I’m just having a chance to even blog now.
Speaking of my blog. Blogger is no longer going to support ftp blogs, so I guess I’m going to move 6 years of blogging to wordpress. Wish me luck. YUCK. However, I was pondering changing my twitter handle and maybe I’ll change blog name along with it. A fresh start! Maybe fun? Thoughts? Am I crazy? (well, yes, but in this instance?).
Ok, off to stitch more…more progress will be made today!