Stitch Night and many flowers to come!

Stitch Night and many flowers to come!

This is a hideous photo of this (as in fuzzy), but I’ve adjusted the light a bit to try to give you some idea of the colors and textures! I’m on a big tear to get this finished. I got the borders put on and now I can really “see” where I’m going with it.

The column will be filled with flowers which spill over onto the border to the left of it. I have a little spider web at the bottom of the column and of course all of the crazy quilting on the sides will be embellished. We’ll see what it looks like from there to see how much more I add. I enjoyed adding some flowers to it last night at our RMCQ group casual stitch night. I have so much more to do tho!

This pattern is from the Fairy Goddess Mothers Group and is their first pattern (which I happen to like the best). Obviously still no where close to ready, but I’m still enjoying it!

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