Stitch night was wonderful last night…gave me inspiration to get off my tushie and back into stitching. Not sure why, but I’ve been “stuck” lately. In going through my “in progress” projects last night I seem to have an issue with a heap of projects that just need all the busy work done on them. Well, time to sit in front of the tv and stitch until I get them done, eh? The picture above is what I ended up working on. I’m beginning to think it’s getting close to done.
Antonia was working on doing some of these dragonflies from this book (shameless link to Amazon)
– they are amazing and if she gets one to look 1/2 as nice I’ll be in awe! She was well on her way last night!!!! I didn’t take my camera and so you all missed pictures of her garden. It’s FANTASTIC! I promise to take photos next time.
For the few of you who read my blog and don’t read Chloe’s Place , she has been doing a LOT with Aprons, showing off lots of interesting ones and more links…go check it out!
Speaking of collections, I saw a link to the Vintage Hat collection on Meggicat…how wonderful. Talk about a different age, eh? I love the idea of picking out a lovely hat to go visiting…it would have been fun! Now, I hate to admit this, but my Mom has a heap of vintage hats on top of everything else….I wonder where those are?
Speaking of checking things out, if you’re into historic needlework, go check out The Needles Excellency – it’s not only a good blog, but a wonderful reference for historic needlework (you have to poke around in the companion sites for a lot of this. She’s historically accurate in her reproduction of needlework and it’s really interesting to see.