My blog posts here have gotten a little dry of my own projects, but that’s because I’ve been so busy working on them, I haven’t had time. We’ve been decorating for Fall and I had a couple of articles I wanted to get posted on Divine Caroline and on Poshmama. I’m now a weekly contributor to and so every Saturday morning you can pop on and read a new article that I write exclusively for them! Neat, eh? This week it’s all about Halloween and Fall decorating. My friend Anne sent me the coolest link to a “how-to” on a really spooktacular (ha, ha) tombstone. Go check it out! However, here’s Missy C’s quick way of drawing a really adorable face on one of the tiny pumpkins that came out of our garden this year! I think she’s well on her way to being a crafty chicky!
So, here’s for a little update on what I’ve been working on! I finally “finished” my journal cover. I say “finished” but in reality I didn’t back it because I have a feeling I’ll need to add an embellishment here and there. I’m putting an elastic band so it will hold on nicely to my journal. It’s not a permenant cover because I found several journals the same size on sale and so hopefully I’ll use this cover for a long time.
I changed the back a LOT from my original design. I HATED it….funny because this was supposed to be a quick and easy project and I sat around and looked at it for a month before I worked out how to totally rework it. Now I like it – yay!
One of my favorite bits is this little spider web. It was on the fabric originally, but I put gold metallic thread over that and then added a spider and a fly. I love the fly…something to munch on! All Missy C’s idea! Then, the never ending cat quilt. I’m almost finished with another block. 6 total. Missy C has decided she wants it as a doll quilt/throw size – so we’ll see. I have one more block to piece and two more to embroider. I’m so sick of it, I could throw it out the window, but it will be nice to see it all done. I suspect I’ll end up tying it because of all the embroidery. Not sure yet. I’m open to suggestions tho! 🙂
Ok, well off to stitch some more! If there’s a gap here in articles, be sure to pop over to Divine Caroline or Poshmama to catch up with me. I promise between the three, I’m writing pretty much all the time these days! 🙂