Summer activities, festivals and my new approach.

Summer activities, festivals and my new approach.

I know it’s a lame excuse, but do you ever have the problem that you have SO much to blog about that you can’t blog because it just seems overwhelming? I guess that’s been my problem. Yikes!
The kids had a wonderful birthday party at Lakeside Amusement park in Denver. The park is like a trip back in time (hasn’t changed since I was in Junior High School) and it’s very fun!. There’s a whole section with kiddie rides that isn’t ever overcrowded. Best of all the rides are SO retro:

Then yesterday was our neighborhood street festival, which has grown to be quite the event!
Don’t mean to be a huge snob, but this was about the only truly innovative thing I saw there:
I believe it’s a silkscreen/painting on newsprint. The effect is very very cool!

Then, the big news is that I’ve been invited to participate in a fiber arts show here in town…and I think I mentioned in my last post that I’m going in a new direction. Believe it or not, I’m going to use all of my beading and hand embroidery skills in the finished product (I know,it’s probably hard to picture) but I’m incorporating graffiti and fiber art. Weird, eh?
Here’s the beginning of my first letters. The fusing/outine technique is thanks to Pam Rubert and her post (that she directed me to) on how she does hers (I really do appreciate that folks in the quilting world are so willing to share…thanks Pam!). I’m sure it won’t have the perfect quality that her pieces do, but it’s a beginning.
This will be the background (read 3-d portion) of the letters.

It’s all in the beginning stages, but I’m having fun. I was going to try to duplicate existing graffiti, but I was afraid of upsetting some of the artists, so with the help of some inspirational pieces, I’m trying to create my own.

On another note, I’ve been reorganizing (and cleaning up the blog ring) as well as trying to find some new blogs to read (I’d appreciate any suggestions on interesting/inspiring new blogs). Speaking of which, did you know Quilting Arts has a blog? Seems like a pretty good “behind the scenes” blog.

Ok, off to work on my piece. Sorry about the long post. I guess that happens when I get so far behind. Oh, postscript to family, I’m trying to clean up our webshots family photo site (sidebar) so feel free to go ogle your grandkids/nieces/nephews, etc. – that’s another of my weekend projects!

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