I already did the Week 7 stitch – detached chain – by accident. However, I found this little flower piece of felt and decided to take it further.
My inspiration was this book “The Stitches of Creative Embroidery” – I have NO idea where I found it, but it has the most wonderful stitch combinations in it – an example – and where I got my ideas:
Aren’t those fantastic? I wanted to keep stitching after seeing those! Maybe I’ll use a few more ideas in the next area! I think most of those would be amazing with beads, wouldn’t they?
Not to be too focused, I’m also still working on my sheep applique quilt – the quilting isn’t awesome, but I’m still a “newbie” when it comes to machine sewing. I’m learning as I go along! The wool is fun, but a bit different to work with and then I’m going to hand quilt the final thing – so we’ll see how that goes! 🙂
I’ve been obsessively reading this week, finished Wuthering Heights, then read 2 more books over 3 days – now I’m reading a 3rd. Hopefully today will be as productive, but I have some cafe curtains for the kitchen I’ve been meaning to get around to. I wish there were more hours in a day – don’t you?