So, here’s the very first step in simple (and I mean simple) silk ribbon embroidery. You need a long needle with a large eye. I actually use a variety of needles although they sell them specifically for silk ribbon embroidery (also known as SRE, I may shorten that name!).
Anyway, the first thing you have to do is thread the needle. This is important because otherwise the ribbon frays and is hard to keep on the needle. So go ahead and thread the ribbon through the needle.
Then, you’re going to pull the ribbon just far enough so you can reach the end of the ribbon to prick it in the end… through the end of the needle
You will end up with just a little tail….tighten the loop you’ve created up on the needle so you have as much ribbon to work with as possible. You will end up with a tightly threaded needle that isn’t going anywhere! 🙂
Next, you’re going to start a straight stitch down the length of the ribbon between the knot and the fabric where you pulled it through. I would vary the length of these stitches – it makes the rose look much more natural. It’s especially nice if you do the stitches closer together near the knot and make them wider the closer to the fabric.
When you’ve got it threaded you simply stick the needle right back where you started from. Basically putting it almost in the same hole.
Pull the ribbon gently right down through and the knot you made will not only hold it, but also make the center of the rose!
And VOILA! A lovely and really really simple rose! Vary the ribbon thickness, width and many other things to get a variety of looks. Variegated ribbon looks lovely!
I hope you all enjoy and if you do any of them, please send me the photos! Feel free to email me or post here if you have any questions or problems!