With all great intentions on the daily blogging, life intervened!
Unfortunately the bad is that my Mom broke her hip and is in the hospital. She had surgery last week and is home already recuperating. Unfortunately she had to miss Missy “C’s” 6th birthday. We took all 4 girls (plus Matey Moo) out to a sports bar where they could be noisy, open gifts and eat HUGE HUGE HUGE chocolate desserts.
On the stitching front, I was able to make some progress on my seashell while waiting for my Mom’s surgery…the builions really need help, but I guess that’s the point of this…practice, practice, practice. I’m pretty sure by the time I get all of the rows together fairly tightly it won’t looks so awkward.OH! And on top of all of this, I spilled an ENTIRE diet coke directly on my laptop yesterday, so it goes in to be looked at today….eek! I feel like such an idiot! The good news is that we have computer insurance (that believe it or not protects from idiots who spill soda directly on their keyboards! So, with this lovely sunset, I’ll head off to a day where I feel more calm and organized!