I think I’ve mentioned that I have every intention to do the Bead Journal project this coming year – although I have many friends who laugh at the idea I’m going to not only FINISH something, but finish ONE A MONTH! ha ha!
Anyway, reading blogs this morning, I ran across Robin’s tutorial on how to make a fabulous memory box (she’s using two of her Bead Journal project cards).
Oh drool. Gosh Robin, your work is so awesome! (ok, groupiness concluded).
And I have a confession, I watched the movie “Mama Mia” last night and never having seen the stage version (PLEASE tell me it’s better), I have to say it’s one of the worst movies I’ve ever sat through. Apparently you have to be a MUCH bigger ABBA fan than I am to enjoy it – although I will say the songs are permenantly stuck in my head today.