Well, I’ve been working a lot on my fairy
You can’t see, but in the upper right hand corner is a dragonfly in process. I’m about to put a heap of buttons on the area with the flowers. Those are my first attempts at Silk Ribbon embroidery and let me tell you…it’s harder than it looks:
I have to “replace” a couple of the petals on the big flower, but it’s passable. I hope I get better as I go along! 🙂 I embroidered my fairy’s hands, and I did a new necklace, I hated my first attempt, so I’m trying beading.
finally, I’m working on the border. Oddly enough it’s my first “from the beginning” CQ project. I’ve been working on my grandmother’s crazy quilt, but I always have a few pieces of fabric to start with and so it’s not done “traditionally”…I’m not sure this was either, but it’s a start….no embellishing yet. I think I’m going to attach it all and embellish all of it together, but I have yet to make a final decision: