Updating stuff and my silk ribbon embroidery class

I’ve been primarily working on web stuff. I just got a couple of new jobs, one is a postcard design (which should be fun) and I have more ebay work to do – however, that’s off topic! ๐Ÿ™‚ On the subject of websites tho, I’ve been busy updating our Rocky Mountain Crazy Quilters site! I’ve put in all of our new meetings with subjects etc and even put up some eye candy. I started a flickr account for the group…so now I just have to teach them all how to load photos! LOL!!!!! We’re working on our first newsletter – which we figure we’ll put out every other month, so aren’t we ambitious! ๐Ÿ™‚ We seem to add 1-2 members each meeting, so we’re growing without really having much publicity (just word of mouth) and we even roped in our first sane quilter! ๐Ÿ™‚

So, this is what we did at the last meeting:

It was fun to do Silk Ribbon Embroidery, I do like the results, but I find ribbon pretty hard to work with. I guess I just need practice, eh?

I also printed out a heap of these:

Our next meeting we’re all bringing our ideas for transfering images….these images are from Needlecrafter.com which I think I found on Arlee’s blog, but I bet she found it somewhere else…help me give credit here….do you know Arlee? The site is fantastic for images like this you can use for FREE! I just printed these off the printer onto fabric that I ironed on to freezer paper. I really need to play more with that idea and that site! So, what does everyone out there do to transfer images? I know the gal at Thimble has a fantastic tutorial on one method….does anyone use that method?

So, I’m in a really “bloggy” mood today so there may be more posts! So, brace yourselves! ๐Ÿ™‚

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