One of our fun adventures this summer was being invited to a Kinect preview party (they make games for the Xbox) – their new games are pretty cool and you don’t have to have controlers – nifty eh? Our kids LOVED quite a few of the games and I think the personal trainer would be good for me! ha ha. Anyway, I’m finally posting a video of Matey Moo (my son) trying out one of the new games.
Well, then I was already on YouTube and realized I’d never linked to Matey Moo’s first “feature film” (ha ha, it’s really short). If you’ve missed my other posts, Matey Moo was diagnosed this summer with Asperger’s and his personal obsession is to be a director – because it’s pretty much all he thinks about, I’m pretty sure he’ll achieve it! Anyway, here’s “Rocks in a Hole” his first picture:
Well, then I was catching up on blog reading and ran across a post on Sharon Boggon’s blog with this fabulous video AND the “behind the scenes” – both totally worth watching!
Making of: