Well, today is one of those days where I wonder how I squeeze in any paid work! 🙂 Missy C’s class is having a field trip and Matey Moo and I can go along. So, we’re all going over to the school at 10 with our picnic lunches for a day at …well somewhere nature-y. Should be fun! It’s going to be 78 degrees today…perfect in my eyes for “nature-y”.
However, I have a client appt tomorrow that I have to get ready for and I haven’t TOUCHED my “all that Jazz block”. Anyway, hopefully tomorrow there will be pictures of all of the above (I can hope, can’t I?)….oh, with the exception of the client meeting, might be weird to blog about that!
The above picture is from Missy C, she’s learning to write her first and last name and I think it’s a lovely picture of our family! 🙂 She always portrays Matey Moo’s hair as spikey….not sure about that tho….hmmmmm……