So, I drudged through a pile of “Mommy can you fix this seam” and “Honey, can you shorten these pants” sort of items this weekend. Do you all find that having a serger and a sewing machine can be a bit of a burden? Now I can’t get rid of anything without thinking first if I can repair it. Which is fine, but then sits in a big pile in my studio taking me away from anything else.
Anyway, onto what I consider not horribly creative stuff, but massively practical, here are the blocks for Matey Moo’s quilt. I still have a bunch more to go, but SNORE! I have to say piecing blocks is not my favorite, However, it will be completely cool when I have them all done and can take it off to be quilted.
Now onto the other projects….the wedding quilt (which is now fused and ready) and hacking away at the 7 billion miles of buttonhole on Missy C’s quilt. I’ll have more pictures to post later.