There just hasn’t been much embroidery, sewing, crazy quilting or anything else going on here.
Colorado has had such a tough year with the fires, the movie theater shooting and now Jessica Ridgeway – who went to an elementary school in our area and now her killer was found just a block from our favorite babysitter. Not that this is an excuse for not stitching, I’ve just been occupied with other things.
For what I’ve been up to – check out – where I have been posting lots of things happening in the area, articles about the upcoming election and much more.
However, on that subject, I’ve been stitching this:
And reading – so what is your reading guilty pleasure? I love romantic novels and girl relationship novels – not really fluffy ones (bodice rippers as my husband would say) but inspiring ones. Debbie McComber, Curtis Matlock and Jennifer Chiaverini.