Ok, so I just went to refresh my memory on this site as I was blogging and got sucked in again: Who Would Buy That? (auction oddities from all over the web) has an ongoing list of crazy auction items people find on the web (mostly on ebay). You can look around for hours.
Being someone who can get sucked into ebay anyway, this is a fun way to browse around – probably at stuff you would never find any other way.
Can you believe someone spends a lot of time blogging about this?
Kind of cool, eh?

My 2021 “Phrase” of the year and Happy New Year!
So, one of my issues last year was stopping to just enjoy life. Unlike most people, we escaped the health and employment issues of crazy 2020 but I couldn’t help but wait for the “other shoe” to drop – basically waiting for something bad to happen. In searching for a