Always busy? Not sure

So, I seem to be forever posting here how busy the last week was – surely sometimes I have boring weeks? Don’t I? But in this case, the kids are wrapping up school (which means field day and a sunburn) and we had the graduation of our LONG time babysitter (she started sitting for us when she was 12) to celebrate, plus Matey Moo’s bday and my Dad’s bday. Whew! It was a LONG LONG weekend and I’m just beginning to catch up.

However, in between I did work on my new bracelet:

I took it along to stitch night and had my two compatriots in stitching help me decipher the complicated and (to me) confusing directions and so now I’m barelling right along! I think it’s going to be awesome and will be my FIRST beaded piece of jewelry! Ta-da!

Then, we went to visit my parents (see Dad’s birthday above) and she gave me some magazines and books in this:

What’s fabulous is it’s made from chair webbing and crewel Yarn. Isn’t this awesome? It’s lined, with a few pockets and snaps for closure, but I’m going to look at it more closely and see if I can figure out how it was put together.

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