This has been a busy busy weekend – we have put together a plan for the summer to keep the kids occupied AND juggle work. Yeah, wish us luck, no idea if it’s going towork, but the plan makes me feel good! I got the house cleaned, the front yard mowed, and a TON of shopping done!
On top of all of that, I stumbled on the PERFECT template for my blog. Yay! Since I do all the design and such my self, I just have to play until I find the “right” template that I can tweak until it’s “me”. So, if you’re reading this from a reader or any such vanilla copy – be sure to pop over and check it out. My header is a partially done book cover I did – and I think it’s kind of fun up there! Isn’t it nice when things fall together?
I have a funny post tonight tho –
I’m not sure this ever happens to anyone else, but this is a really really old post that I just “found” in my drafts. It’s still an interesting issue, and yet, I’m sure the whole “drama” of it has all blown over, I wondered if people had see it:
(very old post following – ha ha)
Hmmm, I ran across an issue while catching up on 500 rss posts in my Google reader (sigh – it’s not really good to have a number associated with something like blog reading because you realize how heavily addicted you are).