Well, here she is! Maybe one of the most chaotic months of my life and I finished what I think is my favorite spirit doll yet:
I crazy pieced her with flour sack patterns I had sitting around (as I mentioned she was pieced before the month got “crazy” …pun intended…ha ha) – I think she’s cute, summer and seems cool (it’s been hot here). I did more beading around her face – and tried to incorporate beads into every seam.
Most of the seam embellishments are pretty simple, but a few I got kind of fancy with. In the true style of what I’m doing, I don’t remove or start over, just keep going. But I did create a few seams out of my head, like this one:
This little group, I particularly like for their simplicity, yet fun.
What’s funny is that last night I went “Oh, &*&^(* honey, what day is today”? to which my nice husband said, “why the 31st?” – and I said “darn, well I guess I won’t embellish anymore!”. I actually had her set aside to add maybe one or two more last things to – but she was actually “done” a few days ago. So, while this seems “down to the wire” – she was done and ready a few days ago, I was just wanting to “add one more thing” ha ha!
Next month, I think I might crazy piece again, this was fun and offered many challenges! I guess I better get it all pieced before I have to move! Yikes!
The great news, is that our new house has room for my studio! Yippee!

My 2021 “Phrase” of the year and Happy New Year!
So, one of my issues last year was stopping to just enjoy life. Unlike most people, we escaped the health and employment issues of crazy 2020 but I couldn’t help but wait for the “other shoe” to drop – basically waiting for something bad to happen. In searching for a