I haven’t been commenting much here on my personal life because frankly it’s overwhelming. Huge even! A couple of weeks ago, my husband and I had an “aha” moment and decided it was time to let go of our house and our wonderful neighborhood and move north – to the suburbs. Because of our son’s issues and we had already picked out a school that direction for next year and were going to drive 25 minutes each way to take him. However, after some soul searching, we decided that was probably a bad idea – for many reasons.
So, we’ve put our house up for sale and in a frantic “get ready” mode of cleaning and painting, it’s now on the market.
On top of this we had a plan for this summer – which sort of got tossed out the window, to trade off fun activities with the kids. Last week, the house was finally on the market and things had slowed down enough that I traded in a babysitting favor from a friend and took her son and my two to the Littleton Museum.
Now, if you have NOT been there, run, don’t walk. It’s fabulous! The museum is really cute, informative, with a wonderful kids play area. Back behind that tho is two recreation farms, with a blacksmith’s (where the local blacksmith makes neat stuff and you can sit and watch) and two different period houses (where you might find someone stitching, spinning or cooking) and lots of animals – they have a baby cow and pigs and sheep and chickens. There are herb and veggie gardens and it all makes a wonderful walk and experience.
Oh, and all of this is FREE by the way! (Free, can you imagine?)
However, THAT was NOT my Perfect moment (can you believe it?). At the door, I asked the ladies where we could get ice cream and they suggested a new shop in town Delizios which had some great ice cream. What they didn’t mention is it has a fantastic patio and WINE! Wow, it really doesn’t get any better than that. So, after this wonderful trip to the museum, I found myself sitting in comfy chairs on a lovely patio, overlooking a park with 3 great kids and a glass of wine. The ice cream was popular and honestly, I can’t really think of a more perfect moment.
Sometimes the best moments come after chaos – and I think this is one of them!