All sorts of activities.

All sorts of activities.

“It was a dark and story night…”

but luckily, tonight I went to a book signing with Jennifer Chiaverini – who writes the “Elm Creek Quilt” novel series. Great books and I must say she was really nice, knowledgable and everything you expect a favorite writer to be! With the rain pouring down, a small group listened to her talk. I think it’s fun to see the person behind the books and she seems like a nice, creative person. She also mentioned that Simon and Schuster are giving her the cold shoulder and not talking about resigning her contract – so any great publishers out there want to pick up a sure thing? I guess her new book is #10 on the New York Times Best Seller list – a first for Jennifer! Go get em girl!

Anyway, I have been stitching. I made a trip down to “Diversions” which is a lovely needlework store and will be featured soon in my “Arts and Crafts Shopping Examiner” column (go check it out if you need something to do this weekend!) But they carried the right 100% wool crewel thread so I can finish my project! Yay!
So, many more stitches later, it’s coming along. LOTS of stitching, but I find it all oddly relaxing. It’s kind of a funny retro project, but it will be fun to have it done.

And just to show how behind I am in my posts, I HAVE to share with you that when the kids had a bit of extra Easter dye – did I throw it out? NO! I ran down and got my lace! whooopeee! A little impromptu lace dying. My kids think I’m nuts, but there are some great colors there, eh?

And just as a finishing touch…can a cat love a little girl any more? Wow, what a cute pair. I have to say that Frasier is so photogenic….oh, and yes, the little girl takes a great photo too! 🙂

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