Vacation – help us vote!

Vacation – help us vote!

So, here’s the scoop! My in-laws are coming next month from Australia and we’re going to take the family on a LONG weekend – close by, but on a vacation. That old fashioned family sort in the minivan with NO DVD players and lots of auto bingo.

So, here’s the crazy part. We vote.

So, this means, our 6 and 8 year old, have the same vote as my in-laws.

The good news is that they’re all palatable trips.

So, here are the choices and I’d LOVE feedback on each of the places and suggestions:

  1. The 4 Corners (which have now been deemed to be in the wrong location), Mesa Verde, Durango
    (we’d probably stay in Durango. Suggestions have been made (via Facebook) for
    Hovenweep – which sounds fascinating.
  2. A tour of New Mexico. Driving down
    to Albuquerque/Santa Fe – then through the White Sands over to Roswell and back
    up North. Much more driving but lots of interesting sites along the way.
  3. (and currently the Facebook favorite) is Yellowstone. Drive up. Stay around the
    Cody area and generally be touristy. Yellowstone, maybe a day over to Jackson,

So, input? Come on, I know you all have some!

UPDATE: The votes were tallied and we’re off on #2! Yay! should be fun! Thanks for all of the suggestions (here and on Facebook) and we plan to stop to see all of them!

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