Back to school adjustments

This week has been all about adjustments. The kids went back to school. While I miss them, it’s nice to return to a proper work day. That’s “if” I could adjust to a proper work day. Instead I’m sort of lost. I realized in my last couple of posts that I’m uncharacteristically negative and bitter. I apologize. I really like having a blog because you can see trends like that in yourself! ๐Ÿ™‚

I hate to say it, but I’m still recuperating from my negative French Exchange student issue this summer and so now it’s time to move on.

First, I did a little work on this blog….check out my “about me” section. I redid my bio a bit and “fluffed” it up! ๐Ÿ™‚ (nothing like a little housecleaning). Then I tidied up my icons on the sidebar.

Oh, and I’m in process of taking back ownership of the Bloggers Who Embellish webring! Yay! So, if you’re on that ring, look out for good stuff coming up!

This weekend is all about organizing – we took 200 CD’s and about 100 DVD’s and put them into nice tidy books on the shelves. It’s amazing how much room all of that takes up. I “Googled” “how to recycle CD covers” and the only good lead I found was to get rid of them at the local library (they’re always looking for new covers) so that was going to be my back up plan.

However, first, I posted them on Freecycle to see if I could get rid of them that way. A nice lady is picking up all of them tomorrow so her kids can organize and put away their CD’s….isn’t life nice? I love recycling!

We’re off today to a the Rocky Mountain Quilt Show. This was kind of a last minute thing we heard about here, but it includes Christine Dabb’s (who is one of my very favorite crazy quilters EVER and also our local favorite Cindy Brick.

We’re also meeting up with some friends for lunch and then I’m meeting one of the RMCQ gals at the Show, so it’s going to be a full day! I’m hoping I get some inspiration…there hasn’t been much stitching here lately and I’m kinda stuck. I think it’s all still a symptom of the transition and of my “funk”.

However, it’s time to get off my tushie and get moving! So, today is the day…now I’m really tempted to go crawl back in bed! ๐Ÿ™‚

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