Ok, when I started this blog entry yesterday I hadn’t had any intention of being that negative. However, I’m sick (have no voice at all) and the office is a disaster. This all started when I took my brother’s piano. He’s moved to England and is selling his house. The piano is my grandmother’s and so my Mom didn’t’ want it in storage. Here it is in our living room (right after it was moved in):
So, I decided we needed to rework the living room. Then I decided that the kids might as well just move downstairs (we’ve talked about giving them their own rooms for a long time). So, we totally uprooted the house. The office came upstairs, the kids moved into two rooms downstairs and we totally reorganized both the living room and the family room. The bad part of this is that the office now has to also hold all of my craft/crazy quilting stuff. NOT much room! UGH! So, I”m here, trying to organize. ICK!
AND, on top of this, yesterday we played outside….no coats, LOVELY weather and today it’s snowing. Kind of a cozy day, but I’d rather be stitching than sitting in a big mess!