Forcing the stitch!

Last night Antonia and I got together for our every other week sit and stitch. It’s absolute heaven for me…I can drop needles at her place and not have to frantically search for them before I go to bed! ๐Ÿ™‚ I stole some goodies for her round robin block (isn’t that terrible?) – I’m going to do seaweed and didn’t have enough greens…or the “right” greens! She said some wonderful things on our Yahoo group about having a “support group” for crazy quilting nearby. I have to say, it is SO nice to get together with someone who really “understands”!

Then I worked a bit on my butterfly block:

The beading will continue down below into the other block. The fan is loosely based on this one from Chloe’s blog (ok, now that I’m looking at it, not even “loosely” based, it’s a direct copy! I hope that’s the sincerest form of flattery!!!)! I thought I’d give it a try on my own block before I messed up a round robin with it! ๐Ÿ™‚ Anyway, I’m having fun with it. Not sure about the juxtposition of a kind of “contemporary” beadwork with the fan, but maybe I’ll put something flowery in the beading…we’ll see! ๐Ÿ™‚

This came from my Grandmother’s stuff (the other side..not the Grandmother with the buttons…aren’t I lucky!!). Anyway, I thought it was a perfect fit, so that’s just pinned on there, but I think it will look great – it definately fits with the theme anyway:

Well, today was crazy. I had a piano delivered from my brother’s house and now my living room looks totally overcrowded and we’re considering moving the kids into the basement, so I have a feeling that a complete upheaval of furniture and family is coming…if I can only live with the chaos long enough!

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