Blogging, personal information – where does it all end?

Well, Sharon as usual has gotten me thinking about blogging as have my current life situations.

First, thanks for everyone who sent good wishes for my son…he’s much better (his obnoxious almost 3 year old self!!) – and it is nice to get support from a community like this.

However, my Mother is now in the hospital…her 2nd time in a little over a month. This time fairly serious, she has a blood clot in her lung. She was upgraded to ICU when she basically almost quit breathing and they did a procedure to break up the clots…she seems much better now, but it was really touch and go. Now we’re looking at needing to get her home care with some ongoing physical therapy. It’s going to be a fairly long haul I think.

So, aside from my personal life – which seems FAR more dramatic than usual, I was reading all of the info about the “seamy” side of blogging. Arlee had some comments on it, and it got me to thinking about what I love about blogging.

I think, like quite a few of you creative types it became a way to think through the creative process. For me, who had been out of the art/creative world for SO long…it was a chance to explore other new ideas and get feedback on some of my crazy ideas (thanks by the way for everyone’s comments on my scanned flowers…now I have to figure out how to scan those bugs…what a great idea!!)

Anyway, I know Sharon started out (and continues to be) very professional in her approach to her blog, but I’ve found it really fun to have glimpses into her personal life. I enjoy the links (and think that the information she gives is what makes her blog wonderful) but I enjoy that she’s now documenting the process of her work as well. I feel I know several of the people I admire in a personal way, wee wonderfuls, loobylu, pamdora, rock,paper,scissors…..I mean it is absolutely great that these creative individuals are people too! I find the most wonderful thing is combining day to day life (whether they have “day jobs”, families, and such) with the creative process and their finished projects. Even glimpses into the business side of things.

At any rate, all of this is really a long rant to justify a lot more personal details than I usually put into my blog. It’s been a crazy month, without a heap of stitching or art and I miss it, but I guess that’s life!

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