I had a question from Debra which was not only a good question, but I could only illustrate it with a photo (which has taken me several days) – you are right that Hostas need shade and the ornamental grass needs full sunlight, but I have a bed which (ironically) has both. The picture is taken in late afternoon (the only time that Hosta gets sun) but you kind of get the idea:
My first hosta is planted in the center (there will be a cluster of 3 of them there) with a couple large shade lovers on either side that will grow tall enough to cover the water meter (in the shadows on the left) and the hose). On the far right is a grassy area which lies in front of a side yard with rock. I want to put my big shaft of ornamental grass on that corner. Where it gets good drainage and will be in the sun most of the day.
So, any ideas for my two tall shade loving items on either side of the bed? (by the way, this area is so shade loving that the grass in front of the bed there has moss in it!)