Crafties and Freebies!

Crafties and Freebies!

Whew! It was a crazy busy week, and just when I was preparing this post, I opened my Etsy store and a busy weekend just became busier!! ha ha!

On Thursday night I was totally flattered to be included in a Glade Bloggers event at the Warwick Denver! The food was lovely and the company even more lovely!

I was thrilled to win this fabulous centerpiece!:

The great news is that in the next week I’ll have a wonderful giveaway that I put together for all of you there! (just for you!). So, watch for that – coming soon!

Then on Saturday I was SO excited to take a card making class with Missy C. It was a fundraiser for my old Alma Mater – Cottey College – and so the PEO’s were doing a little card making class to raise money! I love it! A good cause and fun too!

These are my cards:

And these are Missy C’s (aren’t they LOVELY!). The only one missing is the one with the coffee pot and that’s because she insisted we drop it off to a sick friend of ours! (isn’t she sweet!).

Anyway, we had a WONDERFUL time and are ready to go out and buy supplies – I’m only 1/2 kidding! It really was fun!

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