So, I’m working on a HUGE article for a new online publication (I will announce it when it’s published in all it’s glory) and yikes! I’m having a hard time.
Writers block!
Ok, that’s not quite right, but everything I write seems stupid. I’m sure it will look better with some editing and some rewrites, but does anyone else ever have this problem?
Last night I had a FABU time at Morton’s with the Mile High Mama gals! What a fabulous group and in a really short time (2 months?) I feel like I’m getting to know all of them really well!
Still waiting on a picture for my great giveaway from last week’s get together, but I am feeling really connected to the fabulous Colorado bloggers – who knew there were so many of us and that we were all such great people! ha ha!
So, you would think this little post would make me feel better, hmmm, not sure.