crazy quilters stitching night.

crazy quilters stitching night.

The Rocky Mountain Crazy Quilters had their “casual” stitch night on Tuesday night…I’m always amazed by the talent and interesting projects that go on there.
This is a block for our group swap. Tammy started embellishing the block, but isn’t the book that goes with it adorable! It’s actually crazy quilted and embellished paper (real stitching on paper) and then glued on or put onto sticky paper (couldnt’ tell which) and attached to the notebook. Cute, cute! (I’ll post my block when I finish it!)
This is the always amazing and talented Rhonda’s HUGE brazillian project. Not sure you can see, but this garden goes way up into her lap and includes lots of beautiful stitches.
AND! TA-DA! The progress on Tina’s Wedding dress quilt! I have done the face 2x and wasn’t happy with it yet! So, I’m still working. However, all of the applique is done and now it just needs some details! I think the rest of this should go quickly! (and I’ll post more soon!)

My blog’s 4 year anniversary was a few days ago and I’m working on an anniversary post! So, watch for that tomorrow!

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