Darn that sock! Hem those pants and KIDS ARTWORK!

Darn that sock! Hem those pants and KIDS ARTWORK!

Productive day in the studio, but not much creativity to it! I’m sorting the kids artwork – about once a year I put up a new picture in their room that’s a montage of the art work they did the year before…ahem…it’s been 2 years! So, time to update! Meanwhile I’m sorting and organizing. Geez, how did we get to have such creative kids! 😉
Then I’ve been hemming those pants! Yep! done! Hooray! and Matey Moo has 8 new pairs of pants that don’t bunch around his ankles. I’m sewing a button on the last pair now – whew! I’m also darning a pair of socks….using a darner (I think that’s what it’s called)! It’s my grandmother’s and frankly I’m usually used to throwing out socks with holes, but this pair cost quite a bit and Rex loves them!
With the sock on – pull it tight and stitch and you’re done. Not sure what stitch you’re supposed to use, but they look better to me! we’ll see, when he tries them on!
At last…I can see the bottom of my table – I found my needlebook (which has been missing for 3 weeks) and my projects that I’d like to work on.
I think I’m taking a brazillian embroidery project with me to Vail…not because of desire, but because it’s so gosh darn portable. Be nice to get some more stuff done! But I think a clean table is a start.

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