I have NO idea why I love this movie – maybe it’s because it’s before it’s time, maybe it’s because the acting is fabulous. Maybe it’s the amazing house. Hmmm, Sidney Poitier? All of the above and more. Here are just a few of my favorite scenes:
One of my favorite scenes:
The best monologue in movie history (my opinion of course, but I guess it’s my favorite movie):
And with President Obama in office, I think this is one of the most prophetic (whether you like his politics or not, it’s amazing that we’ve come SO far in such a short time):
And I’d love to include a clip of “The Glory of Love” by Jacqueline Fontaine, but apparently you can’t get one – or a recording for that matter. Hmmmph!
Anyway, thanks for letting me share!
What’s your favorite movie?