Depression Era color photographs!

Depression Era color photographs!

I was watching CNN at the Dr’s office yesterday and saw a report on these! I lost an hour and a half surfing them (no mind the Library of congress which has heaps more stuff to look at).

The top photo is a woman who won “best quilt” at a fair. The bottom one is a woman painting emblems on war planes. I think both pictures are cool. Be neat to work them into center pieces of a crazy quilt…woudn’t it?

For some reason it’s fascinating and a bit disarming to see a period in color that you’re used to seeing in black and white. Funny how we relate color (or the lack of it) with desperation and prosperity.

Oh, and just FYI, most of these are not covered by copyright laws, but the site does say that you use them at your own risk…I guess someone depicted in the photos could come after you if they were offended at it’s use.

I’m dying to start some new projects and I think I’m going to dive into fiber postcards – no deadlines tho! 😉 So, I’ll make a few up and when I have them finished, maybe someone out there will swap with me…just for practice?

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