Christmas is TWO DAYS AWAY!!!!

Christmas is TWO DAYS AWAY!!!!

Well, we’re NOT ready, at all! But the Christmas spirit is alive and well here. However, while I was supposed to be wrapping hte 5 million gifts we have waiting, I instead started designing fabric postcards. I have all of this cool/funky retro (meaning it’s not reproduction – read synthetic) fabric.

These are actual “self-belts” (I’m guessing) and they happen to be the perfect width for postcards, cool, eh? So, background fabric or perhaps the whole design (I’m thinking LOTS of beads). So, how is it to mail beads?
Here’s the layout or my first one (not even stitched down). Do you all remember the robot fabric? I’m going to applique it down. Not sure how it will all turn out. I have a feeling I’ll be stealing downstairs Christmas eve and Day to work on them. I’m taking next week “off” from work too, so I’ll work on them then. I think Samantha said she’d swap with me (no deadlines allowed – remember?) anyone else up for it?
And here’s my “awwwww….” moment. The kids were exhausted and watching a movie and actually snuggled up with each other. All of the worries of sibling rivalry melt away. This actually lasted for about 1/2 an hour…now THERE’S a Christmas miracle!!!

Merry Christmas Eve Eve all!

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