I have been fairly lame at posting lately. Things have been insane here, but I won’t bother you with the whiney details (asthma flair ups with Matey Moo, sickness around the house, broken fridge…etc,).
I have been reading lots and lots of blogs and working on my Houseblog and the site that has grown up out of it. I’ve also been redesigning a website for a Realtor, so keeping busy.
I’m nearing the deadline for the postcards that have to go to Australia and I have to get my Christmas ball decorations done for the Crazy Quilting group.
I want to work on Tina’s quilt….I finally decided I wasn’t fond of the blue fabric she picked out, so maybe tomorrow I’ll run to the fabric store and pick a new one out. I’d love to get that done for her. I’m to the point I know exactly what I want to do, it’s just a matter of doing it! 🙂
We’re doing lace ornaments (embellished of course) for a fundraiser for the Rocky Mountain Crazy quilters, these are mine so far (some are still in progress). Our meeting is tomorrow and I’m hoping to have pictures up on our little fundraising website.