I’ve been working a lot and dealing with kids, etc. Seems we’ve either been sick or workslogged (is that a word?) and it’s kind of been insane. I have 4 websites to finish this week and I’m going to get 3 out of 4 of them “out of here” or die trying!
But I think it’s time to get back to stitching. I’m going to set a couple of projects around the house today and see what I can get done. I had my crazy quilting group meeting yesterday and realized that I didn’t even blog about last month’s class – and we had some fun dyeing lace (definately blog-worthy). This pictures is of more “traditional dyes”…bought off the net and painted on with brushes.
Being my rebel self, I brought instant coffee, tea and Kool-aid. We were all totally impressed with the Kool-aid…it did really bright colors and worked well on synthetics…better than on cottons. A great way to get rid of ugly synthetic lace (in my estimation anyway).
For those of you whole love Crazy quilting eye candy, I’ve posted some pictures of “other people’s stuff” on our Rocky Mountain Crazy quilters flickr site…there are some lovely pieces up there. I need to get the gals to provide captions, so check back and I’ll try to add more descriptions to all of them.