Self Portrait Tuesday

Self Portrait Tuesday

Well, I thought this was fitting of my first self portrait Tuesday for a LOT of reasons, I’m sitting here watching “Miami Ink” which is a show about a tattoo parlor in Miami, and I just read that Kath at Red Current was starting a new blog just for Self Portrait Tuesday, so I surfed on over and the theme is “body parts”.

I have a HUGE file of Self-portraits, that I haven’t been brave enough to post, however, the “body parts” theme hit a nerve (a good one)…I have a tattoo…top of the thigh so no one can readily see it. I love it. I have to say, I wish I had more but Rog is pretty grossed out when I mention getting a new one.

I got the current one before we were married to celebrate my 30th birthday, my friend who went with me got a little tiny Mickey Mouse. I had to actually go over two appointments to deal with the pain. I almost passed out during the black. I went back and had it colored in. And, yes, I still would love another one. It’s weird, I know.

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