See, it snows here, but it also melts pretty fast…so from a balmy 70 degrees at 5pm…we’re back to “fall”!
Thanks for all the good thoughts on the cat and…apparently I’m not the only one this has happened to (see comments to the last two posts) – wow! Amazing what pets put us through, eh?
Anyway, he’s better – we go for a follow up appt today and he’ll have his stitches out in a week. I’m not even going to discuss the cost (although it’s WELL under your friend’s pet expense, Tina) , but we’re glad we did it. Apparently the thing inside of him (which I now have possesion of) was like an artgum eraser. I have NO idea where he got it….but it looks like he chewed up 1/2 of it and swallowed the rest whole…which apparently was fine until it got to his intestines. Heavens, animals and pets…aren’t they a handful!!!
No stitching done, but this weekend, I hope to hook into my two big projects, the New Orleans block and the blocks for the Rocky Mountain Crazy Quilt banner. The great news is the following weekend we’re ramping up for a retreat in the mountains with the Rocky Mountain Crazy Quilters. We’re going to work on unfinished projects and eat…plus, there’s an outlet mall there! Cool, eh?
NOTE: I hate it when it takes me 4 hours to post something because of picture “issues”…ugh.