Having a Summer affair?

I haven’t posted many book reviews on here, but amidst all the chaos with my exchange students visiting, I have been escaping by reading A Summer Affair: A Novel. A very quick read with an engaging plot.

How many of you have had a summer affair? Or if you haven’t, have you at least considered running away from your life to that secret side of yourself. Geez, who hasn’t? I was just reading an article that 50-70% of all men cheat and most of them do it in the summer. Isn’t that interesting?

However, in this story it’s the woman. The heroine in the story is a glassblower, who believes she endangered the life of her baby (and still isn’t sure the baby is ok) by working too long in the studio while he was in uterus. She and her husband “decided” that she wouldn’t go back.

So, now she’s a Mom. And not an unhappy Mom, just a Mom who goes to soccer matches, serves on the PTA has great friends in town. The usual.

But it all blows up when billionaire Lockhart Dixon, the billionaire, whom she has a guilt filled history with, asks her to serve on a committee for a Nantucket’s Children’s summer gala. In the end, she turns her life upside down by having an affair and returning to her work that she loves, but injects a little excitement and maybe decides it’s not a good thing to completely bury your real self.

Ok, that’s all I’m going to tell you, but all in all it’s a really fun book that makes you think about summer as you’re laying on the beach.

So, enjoy! I’ll pick the best comment on my blog post to receive a hardback copy of the book. Tell me something about your summer affairs or your best summer story or even suggest your favorite book for sitting on the beach. I realize this is subjective (the contest) so knock yourself out!

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